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Caring Hearts and Hands: National Soup Month 

Nothing compares to the warm taste of soup on a cold, blustery day. People love all kinds of soups, chicken noodle, tomato, French onion, cream of mushroom, etc. Soup can be spicy and hot, rich and flavorful, or a little more toned down and comforting when one is not feeling so well!

But what nutritional value do soups have? Some healthy ingredients and tips:

  • Potatoes, beans, green vegetables, certain meats and oils.
  • It’s okay if some unhealthy ingredients go into a soup, like salt or pastas, as long as there is a good amount of everything nutritionally satisfying.
  • Make sure your soup is full of healthy carbs, fats, vitamins, proteins, etc.

When you are assisting an older adult to eat, remember…

  • Eating can be an overwhelming activity. Don’t put large portions in front of a patient, unless you know their eating habits.
  • Feed softer foods, such as soup!
  • Try to make the soup smell as good as you can to encourage a healthy appetite.
  • Always review dietary information for your patient or loved one, before you offer the food, even if you didn’t prepare it.

If you are a caregiver who needs a bit of respite, give us a call. If you are a home care professional who have had some good experience in caring for older adults, we would love to talk to you! We have openings which can meet your needs!